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Pomen Neptuna

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Pomen Neptuna Empty Pomen Neptuna

Objavlja  Admin Pet Dec 26, 2008 1:14 pm

Neptun je po oddaljenosti od Zemlje drugi generacijski planet. Je ženski planet in velja za »višjo oktavo« Venere. Vlada morjem in oceanom, tekočinam, glasbi, filmu, glamurju, sanjam, iluziji, razočaranjem, duhovnosti, »notranji luči«, idealom, mistiki, megli, nafti, skrivnostim, anestetikom in laskanju. Njegova naloga je, da nas nauči, da obstaja tudi še vse kaj drugega kot le grobi, materialni svet, ki ga doživljamo vsak dan. Obdaja ga vse, kar je nedotakljivo (npr. vonjave), notranji občutki, umetnost, ljubezen do poezije, barve in ples.

Število prispevkov : 175
Age : 43
Kraj : Pod zvezdami
Registration date : 26/12/2008

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Pomen Neptuna Empty Re: Pomen Neptuna

Objavlja  Admin Pet Dec 26, 2008 1:15 pm

premer je 45.000 km. Sonce obkroži v 164 letih in 28 dnevih. Neviden je s prostim očesom. Odkrili so ga leta 1846.

počasen planet. Vpliv na posameznika je šibak, razen, če je koten ali močno aspektiran.

Število prispevkov : 175
Age : 43
Kraj : Pod zvezdami
Registration date : 26/12/2008

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Pomen Neptuna Empty Re: Pomen Neptuna

Objavlja  Admin Pet Dec 26, 2008 1:16 pm

Analogen je Ribam in dvanajsti hiši

raztapljanje, brisanje mej, nejasno, kaos, megla, nevidno, plini, žarki, duhovi, skrivno, skrito, prevara, laž, goljufija, intrige, iluzija, film, televizija, vizija, fantazija, sanje, hrepenenje, idealiziranje, upanje, senzitivnost, medialnost, tankočutnost, občutljivost, zdravljenje, pomoč, altruizem, požrtvovalnost, pripravljenost pomagati, usmiljenost, sočutje, socialna občutljivost, pobeg, resignacija, zasvojenost, omamljenost, strup, droge, alkohol, dim, voda, morje, kolektiv, cerkev, spriritualnost, mistika, ezoterika, strah, negotovost, odvisnost, nemarnost, izguba, pomanjkanje, odsotnost, šibkost. Umetnik.

Neptunova dominanta kaže na osebo, ki je zelo intuitivna. Fantazije se pogosto umetniško izražajo. Je zelo sočutna, včasih pa ima potrebo umakniti se pred realnostjo.

Znamenje v katerem je Neptun je generacijsko in kaže na sanje in ideale cele generacije ljudi

Hiša v kateri je Neptun je bolj osebna. To je področje, kjer se soočamo s transcendentim delom svoje narave (sanje, idealiziranje) in tudi kjer smo posledično nagnjeni k izgubam (nečemu se odpovemo, ker imamo ideal)

Število prispevkov : 175
Age : 43
Kraj : Pod zvezdami
Registration date : 26/12/2008

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Pomen Neptuna Empty Re: Pomen Neptuna

Objavlja  Admin Pet Dec 26, 2008 1:25 pm

intuicijo, fantazijo, predanost in vdanost

Osnovni principi:
Instinkt, animaličnost, inspiracija, slutnja, vsa ljubezen, skrivnost, prevara, halucinacija, občutljivost, medialnost, prevzetnost, fantazija, moč predstave, sanje, iluzija, droga, idealizem, utopični projekti, nadnaravno zaznavanje, transcendentalna doživetja, slava

Morje, reke, globina, melanholija, strah, mirna glasba, sanje, megla (v prenesenem smislu), oblaki, izoliranost, nedostopnost, izginjanje, zamišljenost, tišina, razočaranje, potovanja z namenom iskanja, umetnost, vse kar je oddaljeno od resnice

Hitrost premikanja:
Potrebuje med 146 - 164,79 let za ves zodiak, za eno znamenje torej med 12 do 13,73 let, za 1° potrebuje 0,45 let. Planet je včasih retrograden.

Stanje in razmerje:
vlažno, mokro, zamegljeno, vodeno, premalo zraka, zrak vsebuje plin, zastrupljeno, eter, zakajeno, čisti zrak, ekološko ogrožen zrak, pod vodo, v globini morja ali jezera, okolica, ki jo je težko zaznamovati, v prostoru, kjer osebe hlinijo ali so neiskreni

Vladarji in dom:
Ribi podnevi, strelec ponoči; Dom: 12. hiša, hiša Jupitra.
Izgnana devica, padec kozorog, zvišan rak.

preobčutljivost, notranji nemir, nespečnost, migetanje z očmi, strah pred boleznijo, izčrpanost, histerija

Samarija, zapeljivec, čarodej, norec, navdihovalec, ezoterik, hudobnež, furija, občutljivi ljudje, sanjač, utopist, goljuf, slepar, mistik, guru, slepi ljudje, prehrambeni svetovalec, anestezist, kemik, izumitelj, tat, psihopat, duševni bolnik

Pozitivne lastnosti:
instinktivna sigurnost, ezoterična intuicija, sigurnost, jasnost, (jasnovidnost), inspiracija

Negativne lastnosti:
samoprevara, nejasnost, pehati se za iluzijami, sam sebe in druge varati ali pretvarjati, sanjarjenje, domišljija, utvare izguba občutka za realnost

šolanje instinkta, potrebe, spoznanje okolja, ljubezen do narave, razlaganje sanj, spoznavanje ezoterike

Splošni opis:
- prinaša lepoto na višji duhovni stopnji, ker vlada nad sanjami, podzavestjo, iluzijo, fantazijo, vsem magičnem, ter nad vsemi očarljivimi stvarmi

- dodaja intuicijo in je sočuten, zaradi tega zahteva pogosto nesebično žrtev za dobre stvari v drugem človeku

- daje sposobnost simpatiziranja in prefinjenega čuta

- ne prenese grobosti, zato je vsaka hiša, ki jo Neptun obišče, očiščena

- je občutljiv in pomaga osebi postati občutljivega za ostrenje. Povečuje umetniško dušo osebe.

- vlada nad vsemi oblikami komunikacije, ki imajo opravka s simboli ali gestami, fotografijo, filmom, baletom, plesom, glasbe, slikarstvom in poezije. Neptun lahko povežemo z besedo "lepo" (lepa slika, lepo mnenje, lepe kretnje, vse kar nas očara, kar spravi v jok od nepopisne lepote stvari ali človeka, ki ga gledamo)

- simbolizira tudi morje in vse vodene oblike (reke, ribniki, slapovi, pijače, pitno vodo in vodna bitja, zamrznjen dež, led, sneg, megla ter ostale tekočinske oblike, vključeno z alkoholom in tekočinskimi drogami, in nazadnje tudi nad solzami, ter telesnimi tekočinami, kot je slina, potenje in podobno (vendar ne kri))

- simbolizira tudi hudobne, slabe, ljudi zaradi katerih trpimo, in obratno po srcu dobre ljudi, ljudi, ki so pripravljeni se žrtvovati in ki pomagajo, kadar smo na dnu

- ker simbolizira meglo, povzroči mišljenje, da je resnica idealna, prelepa ali nebeška. Vendar je kot vladar neba s tem tudi povzročitelj videvanja resnice v lažni luči. Od časa do časa se pojavijo neptunski oblaki, ki nam otežujejo spoznavanje šifriranega sporočila nekega dogodka.

- pokaže prestopanju bregov in pomaga pri premagovanje teh bregov. Od sebe odganja vse omejitve

- kjerkoli se Neptun nahaja (hiša), tam bomo zagotovo doživeli prevaro, ali pa daje povod da druge varamo

- pogosto je Neptun vključen tudi v napačno razumevanje, morda pa določene stvari hočemo namenoma narobe razumeti, kjer bi bila resnica preveč boleča

- pogosto pa tudi povzroča občutek, da nas nihče ne razume

- vlada nad vsem, kar se blešči (dragi kamni, sijaj človeka, žarometi, blisk, sijaj slavnega ali srečnega človeka, zaslon, bleščeča obleka itd.) in vsem kar je enostavno prelepo, prekrasno, preveč idealno, "da bi bilo res", super čarom in leskom in sijajem, nad vsem kar nas očara ali z pojavom omami in fascinira

- VENDAR! Zapomnite si, da kamor Neptun posije ni in nikoli ne bo resnično in vse je le navidezno in ponavadi lažno! Vsaj potem takem ni čudno da Neptun edini vladar nad inspiracijo in bogato domislijo.

Število prispevkov : 175
Age : 43
Kraj : Pod zvezdami
Registration date : 26/12/2008

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Pomen Neptuna Empty Re: Pomen Neptuna

Objavlja  Admin Sob Jan 17, 2009 12:12 pm

You will experience a lack of boundaries between others and yourself, and may show some vagueness in your self-expression. You have the ability to create a fantasy world of your own, and may need to clarify for yourself who you really are.

(1861/62 - 1874/75) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation have the potential to be spiritual pioneers. They take risks in exploring the mystical realms. This generation may also boast many pioneers in the arts.

You may be unrealistic in your assessment of your self worth. There may also be a lack of clarity surrounding money and possessions. You need to link monetary values with spiritual values.

(1874/75 - 1887/89) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation possesses the ability to apply spiritual values to the realms of money and resources. They can be practical about mystical insights. Beautiful art and objects may reflect the spiritual world.

You have an ability to communicate through the arts or spiritual pursuits. You may also experience mental confusion and have a scattered mind.

(1887/89 - 1901/2) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This is the generation which can develop intuition and has the ability to learn, write, teach and disseminate compassion and spiritual understanding.

You may hold idyllic memories of home and family which may or may not be true. There may also have been a sense of loss surrounding home or family. You may seek to escape into an dream-like home setting.

(1901/2 - 1914/16) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation has potential psychic abilities. They hold their spiritual beliefs close to their hearts with a certain amount of emotional attachment.

You have a strong artistic nature, with the ability to create through intuition. You may have to make sacrifices, particularly for children or lovers, before you can create.

(1914/16 - 1928/29) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation is closely linked with the creative arts. Pleasure and extravagance are expressed in both the artistic and spiritual worlds.

You may have difficulty coping with everyday life. You may experience health problems or allergies as a child. You also have the ability to be of service to others.

(1928/29 - 1942/43) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. People of this generation are faced with the task of analysing the excesses of extravagance, and organising a systemic approach to blending the spiritual and practical. They are concerned with spiritual matters becoming part of a daily routine. For instance, it is this generation that may view regular attendance at church a necessity for good healthy living.

You search for perfection in intimate relationships, and may become disillusioned with imperfect partners. You also have the ability to attract spiritual unions.

(1942/43 - 1955/57) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation possesses the ability to view human relationships from a more spiritual overall viewpoint, rather than the rules and regulations of the previous (Virgo) generation. It is here that some confusion over right human relations may reign. People of this generation will aim to achieve a balance in human relationships. They will also be concerned with justice.

You feel at one with others and have the ability to transcend daily life through metaphysical pursuits. You may easily sense emotional undercurrents.

(1955/57 - 1970) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation has the ability to passionately pursue spiritual values. They face a battle between their desire nature and the desire for a spiritual way of life. They will know of the value of regeneration rather than stagnation. This generation may play a transformative role in the world.

You have a devotional attitude to higher learning, and search for the perfect philosophy. You may be disappointed with the realities of study, foreign travel and religion.

(1970 - 1984) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation possesses the gift of spiritual vision. They will be able to help humanity focus on spiritual goals and become more expansive and inclusive of differing races and beliefs.

You yearn to be of service through your profession. You may experience a sense of loss surrounding your chosen life direction. You may be required to sacrifice your chosen career in some way.

(1984 - 2000) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation possesses the ability to apply discipline on the spiritual path. They will possess the wisdom to incorporate both the old and new spiritual values to form a firm foundation for future spiritual growth.

You search for spiritual and humanitarian friendships. You may escape from reality through groups. You have the ability to be of service to friends and within groups.

(2000 - ) It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. In the Aquarian age humanity will learn to live as a collective. This generation will possess the ability to pursue new and different spiritual visions - the gift of revelation.

You feel overwhelmed by the undercurrents of the world. You may escape from reality with daydreaming and fantasies. You have a strongly compassionate nature at times.

It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. Therefore the interpretation of Neptune in the Sign applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation look at the house position. This generation may possess the ability to be at-one with God. They may be able to express their spirituality through visions and art. They may also be inspirational teachers, conscious of wholeness.

Število prispevkov : 175
Age : 43
Kraj : Pod zvezdami
Registration date : 26/12/2008

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